
Dawn Louise

Hello! My name is Dawn and I am 26 years old. I’m someone who has always loved to express myself vocally. I love doing anything that is creative. My favourite hobbies are baking / singing! As well as that, I enjoy meeting new people and hearing about their lives.

Autistic and Proud podcast

Along with help from family, I’ve created my own podcast called “Autistic and Proud”. The aim is to show others that autism isn’t a boundary, but something that should be embraced. Whatever disabilities someone may have, that doesn’t stop them from living life to the fullest. Episodes are uploaded fortnightly.


In addition, my sister Laura and I have started a blog. It will contain recipes, hobbies, visits home, how-tos and general chitchat! Blog posts will be uploaded weekly – maybe even twice a week!

While the blog posts will be written by Laura, we will both be in collaboration for the content within them. This can include pictures of recipes, artworks, pretty much anything which we have done together.

Please continue to support us by watching the podcast and/or reading the blog. We are constantly continue to grow. Any feedback is appreciated by contacting us.

(this extract was written by dawn’s sister on behalf on her)